Amazon A+

With additional product and brand content and further KWs to more visibility and higher sales

Amazon Produktbilder

Amazon A+ - Case studies

Amazon product images - that your Amazon listings can be seen

Photo shoot / 3D modeling

Creation of infographics, comparison images and lifestyle Amazon product images

Obtain and implement feedback

Upload and sell

Amazon A+ vs Premium A+ Content

Frequently asked questions in the Amazon Adertising

Amazon requires that main images are on a pure white background (RGB 255,255,255). The images should show the product clearly and distinctly, with the product taking up 85% or more of the image area. The images must be at least 1000 pixels in height or width to activate the zoom function and must not contain any watermarks, logos, frames or background graphics. In addition, Amazon style guides must be adhered to.

Sellers can upload up to 9 images per product including the main image. However, a maximum of 7 images are displayed per product on the details page. If you upload a video only 6.

Your image may have been rejected for several reasons, e.g. due to a violation of Amazon's image guidelines, such as the presence of watermarks, inappropriate content, use of unauthorized text or graphics in the main image or an image resolution that is too low. Check the guidelines and adjust your image accordingly.

Yes, high-quality and appealing Amazon product images are one of the most important factors when it comes to selling successfully on Amazon. One of the first steps of any account optimization should be dedicated to Amazon product photos. The main image in particular has an impact on the CTR, which has a major influence on your sales and margins.

We do not currently offer in-house product photography services. However, our partner network includes an established company in the industry. Please contact us for further information.

Yes, in our in-house 3D modeling department, our graphic designers work daily on the creation of 3D content and videos - perfect for Amazon product images or promotional videos.

The costs for Amazon product images vary depending on the number of photos, the complexity of the staging and special requirements. However, customer proximity and individual advice are our top priorities.

Yes, we specialize in all graphic themes for Amazon - Brand Stories, A+ (EBC) and Premium A+ content, images for advertising campaigns or Brand Stores / Amazon Storefront Design.

The process starts with a short exchange via video call, then we invite you to our platform for data exchange and from there, we start our workflow.

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