Your Amazon agency for

Amazon dominance and

From strategy development to holistic implementation – we turn your products into Amazon bestsellers.

100% Individual
100% Partner
Account Management

I really appreciate the professional, uncomplicated exchange. I have the feeling that they really work together as partners, they contribute ideas and make a real effort with the listings. Additional transparent billing. I would recommend it at any time.


Managing Director Madame Chéri

I would definitely recommend Equalice as an Amazon partner. We have been able to increase our turnover by more than 10 times! They are very professional and quick to communicate and really know what they are talking about!


Managing Director Zippit

Zippit Amazon
Amazon Full Service Agency

Experiencing Amazon's ups and downs for yourself

Jonas and Manuel, the founders of EQUALICE, have been Amazon sellers themselves since the age of 16 and have acquired their extensive know-how over the years. From SEO texts and sales psychology images to PPC strategies – they taught themselves all the topics the hard way.
What once began as an individual adventure has now developed into a growing company with eleven experts.
But we are not just a classic Amazon agency for handling your Amazon problems, we want to be your Amazon partner! As equals, we strive to strategically achieve your goals together. Just as you are passionate about your brand, we are passionate about establishing your brand on Amazon!

Your satisfaction and your growing Amazon presence are what drive us – and this is reflected in our figures:

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Looking for growth and new customers?


Buy All Germans at Amazon.de


All Germans start their product search at Amazon.de

But potential meets challenges!

Amazon Agency search results

Poor visibility and low market share?

Is your product disappearing into the masses and not reaching your target group? Effective and strategic SEO optimization of your product listings, combined with a strong brand presence, is crucial to reach your full potential on Amazon.

Non-scalable advertising campaigns?

High ACOS & TACOS? Are your advertising campaigns not achieving the desired results? A lack of coordination between PPC strategies and market orientation leads to inefficient budget utilization.

Weak & declining profitability?

Are you making sales, but your profit is lagging behind the opportunities? A holistic strategy that includes effective pricing management and targeted cross-selling measures can significantly increase your profit margins despite growth.

Poor conversion & click through rates?

If you have a unique product but struggle to communicate it on Amazon, a poor main image, inadequate listing images and a lack of A+content can affect high click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates (CVR), limiting your chances of success.

These complexities - from SEO, design and PPC to strategy, KPI tracking and continuous optimization - are often difficult to manage with an internal team.

Do you need an experienced partner to guide you through the Amazon maze and navigate your brand to success?

How our service makes your brand an Amazon top seller!

Amazon AGentur STrateg

Tailor-made advice and strategy discussion:

We analyze your goals and work with you to define an individual strategy that is tailored to your specific needs.

Listing creation/revision (SEO):

Optimization or new creation of your product listings, taking SEO into account, to increase visibility and findability.

Amazon Advertising Agency

PPC setup based on the overall strategy:

Strategic alignment of your PPC & external campaigns to maximize advertising efficiency.

Content creation (graphics & 3D modeling):

Development of appealing and sales-promoting content, including graphics and 3D models.

Comprehensive management and continuous optimization:

As your full-service partner, we take over the complete management of your Amazon activities. We continuously monitor performance, adjust strategies and provide detailed reporting to keep your Amazon presence at the highest level.

Ready for the next big step on Amazon?

Then book a non-binding consultation with our co-founder Jonas Keller now

I really appreciate the professional, uncomplicated exchange. I have the feeling that they really work together as partners, they contribute ideas and make a real effort with the listings. Additional transparent billing. I would recommend it at any time.


Managing Director Madame Chéri

I would definitely recommend Equalice as an Amazon partner. We have been able to increase our turnover by more than 10 times! They are very professional and quick to communicate and really know what they are talking about!


Managing Director Zippit

Zippit Amazon