

Strategies tools for successful Amazon product research

Finding the ideal product for your Amazon FBA business can be a real challenge. Selecting the product is the basis for marketing strategies, sales and ultimately your success as a seller on Amazon. How do you recognize opportunities in the market? Are there certain laws and tools for successful product research?

In this article, we’ll look at several strategies and tools that will help you find the ideal product for your Amazon FBA business. Let’s get started!

Strategy 1: Inspiration from contacts, retail social media

Find inspiration in your daily life! Have conversations with family and friends to find out what products they find interesting or what problems they have that could be solved by a new product.

Browsing in retail stores, such as Tchibo, can also inspire you. Visit specialist stores if you are interested in a particular niche. There you can not only examine products, but also get expert advice and find out which products are selling well.

You can also collect interesting product ideas on social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Pinterest. Write down all the ideas on a list.

Strategy 2: “Lose” yourself on Amazon

Enter different product or product category search terms into the Amazon search bar and see the automatic search suggestions. The results are based on the most common searches and can give you new ideas. Experiment with different words and letter combinations. You can also use words like “with”, “for”, “without” or “sets” to discover even more product ideas.

A good starting point for product research on Amazon is also the Best Seller Rank (BSR). You can find it on the product pages under additional information. The BSR shows you how well a product sells in its category. The lower the BSR, the more often the product is sold. However, keep in mind that these products are often highly competitive and already well optimized. Be sure to use the filter functions on the left to adjust the search results by price and other criteria.

When you’re on individual product pages, look for “sponsored products for this item,” “customers who bought this item also bought,” and “often bought together” ads. Here you can find similar products that sell well but don’t necessarily appear on the bestseller list. You can also see which products are often bought together. Maybe there are products you can offer as complementary goods.

Strategy 3: Collect ideas on Amazon USA

The American market is usually 2-3 years ahead of the German market. It is therefore worth taking a look at amazon.com. Here you can find products that are already selling extremely well in America, but are still in the starting blocks in Germany. Of course, this strategy is risky, but it is definitely a great inspiration. Amazon USA is also very well suited to developing new USPs for your product later on.

Tip for sole proprietorships: As a sole proprietorship, you generally do not have a registration number, e.g. in the commercial register. To continue in the mask anyway, you can enter the value “None” here.

Analyze the potential of a niche

After you have collected several product ideas, it is important to analyze the potential of each niche and identify where you have the lowest entry difficulties and the highest chances of success. The Xray tool from Helium 10 gives you a detailed insight into the market and the competition. By analyzing data such as bestseller ranking, sales history and customer reviews, you can make a data-based decision. You can read how exactly to use the tool hier.

Characteristics of a successful FBA product

Have you now found a potentially profitable niche? Super! However, there are still important criteria that you should definitely consider before you decide for or against a product. However, there are still important criteria that you should definitely consider before you decide for or against a product. In general, there are many myths about the features that a product should have for Amazon FBA Sellers. Here you can read what really matters when it comes to product features. Also research that there is no patent on your product!

Conclusion: Make data-driven decisions

Don’t make your product decision based on gut instinct, but rather on data. Once you’ve gathered enough inspiration, it’s important to thoroughly analyze the potential niche using tools like Xray and also consider the various criteria for a successful FBA product. But remember: There is no perfect product! You can never be 100% sure in advance that your product will be a complete success. In the worst case, you can sell it at break-even. It’s easy to get lost in product research and waste a lot of time. So don’t be too perfectionistic and set yourself a deadline right from the start. By implementing the strategies suggested in this article, you will certainly be able to find several good product ideas for your FBA business in no time.

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