

Step by step to your A+ content

In this guide, you will learn how to create A+ or A+ Premium content in your Seller Central account. The prerequisite for creating A+ content is that you have already linked your brand to Amazon Seller Central and have created at least one product in connection with this brand.

How do I create my Amazon A+ content in Amazon Seller Central?

  1. Register in Seller Central
  2. Navigate to the A+ content page via Advertising ⇒ A+ Content Manager
Amazon A+ Content Navigation

3. click on the “Create new content for A+” button

Amazon Seller Central create new A+ content

4. choose between A+ and A+ Premium

Create Amazon A+ Content

Info: A+ Premium content is generally only available to accounts that have at least one brand story and more than 5 approved A+ content submissions in the last 12 months.

5. assign a name for the A+ content in the input mask that opens

Name Amazon A+ Cotent

6. you can now use the “Add modules” button to add different modules to your A+ content. models are a type of template that have a specific template. For example, we can add a module called “Standard image header with text”:

Amazon A+ and A+ Premium modules

7. click twice on the blue “Add image” button to open the Asset Library

Amazon A+ Add picture

8. you can now upload new images in the Asset Library using the “Upload Image” button

Amazon A+ Premium Image Upload

When uploading new images, it is important to add meaningful keywords from your KW Research as alt text in order to optimize your listing for Amazon SEO in the best possible way.

You can then assemble your A+ or A+ Premium content from the various modules. Once you have assembled your desired content, click on the “Next: Apply ASINs” button at the top right of the page:

A+ Content input mask

Here you now add the ASINs for which you want to display your A+ content by searching for the ASIN in the search mask provided, ticking the box and adding it via the “Use content” button.

Use A+ content for ASIN

You can now submit your A+ content to Amazon by clicking on the “Next: Review and submit” and “Submit for approval” buttons at the top right. Within the next 24-48 hours, the content will then be checked accordingly and, if everything complies with the Amazon style guides, displayed on your product detail page.

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