

Step by step instructions to create your Amazon sales account

The following step-by-step guide will show you how to create your own Amazon Seller Account . The basis for registration is a successfully registered company, the existence of a company account and possession of a credit card. If you have not yet set up a business, our help article FBA business setup can serve as a guide.
You should have the following data ready to create your seller account:

  • Valid officially issued identity card or passport

  • Current bank statements or credit card statements (with company address)

  • Credit or debit card to be charged

  • Cell phone

Once you have all the necessary data, you can get started right away!


Call up the registration page via Amazon Seller Central

To create your Amazon Seller Central account, it is best to go to the official Amazon page for new sellers. You can find more helpful tips for selling on Amazon here. Once you have arrived on the page, simply click on the “Register” button.



On the Create Amazon Account page, click on the yellow button labeled "Register"

Sign in to your Amazon account

In the next step, Amazon will redirect you to the login page, which you may already recognize from your private Amazon account. We recommend creating a new Amazon account for your company using the “Create your Amazon account” button. Simply follow the instructions on the screen:

Press the "Create your Amazon account" button at the bottom of the registration screen

Information about the company

The next step is to provide Amazon with all the important data about the company.

Select the company location and the legal form of the company in the input mask

First select your company location and legal form. Amazon offers the following entities to choose from for the legal form:

  • State-owned company
  • Listed company
  • Privately owned company
  • Aid organizations
  • Sole proprietorship
  • None of this, I am a single supplier

So if you have founded a GmbH, UG or another corporation, the right choice for you is the privately owned company. If, on the other hand, you have founded a sole proprietorship, the right choice for you is the sole proprietorship.

Then enter your company name and confirm the authenticity of your details:

Enter the company name in the process and confirm by ticking the checkbox

Seller information

Now that we have provided all the information about the company in the previous step, it is time to provide further information about contact persons and the selling company itself. To do this, enter the details in the following mask:

Tip for sole proprietorships: As a sole proprietorship, you generally do not have a registration number, e.g. in the commercial register. To continue in the mask anyway, you can enter the value “None” here.

In the process for creating an Amazon Seller Account, enter the company name and other company data.

Enter data on the primary contact person

Follow the input mask and enter the data for the primary contact person.

Store name and product information

In the next step, enter your store name and other product information. If for any reason you no longer like your store name, you can change it later.

In the process for creating an Amazon Seller Account, enter the store name planned for Amazon as well as other data for the sale.

Check and verify data – Create Amazon Seller Account

To create your Amazon Seller Account, the next step will take you to a summary screen where you should check all the information you have entered again for correctness. Upload the required documents and skip to the last step, the verification.

You will need to verify your identity in a short video call with an Amazon employee. Simply follow the instructions in the portal and the instructions given by the Amazon service employee on the phone.

What happens next?

Your details will be verified in the next step. As a rule, you will receive feedback on the status of your account within 5 working days.

In the meantime, find out here what steps you need to take after creating your account so that you can start selling on Amazon as soon as possible.

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